Today in the chart

A Money Lesson From a Vet

My grandfather was also the first person to really teach me about investing.

My grandfather was a Chief Master Sergeant in the U.S. Air Force. Some of my greatest memories are from this month, celebrating veterans day and thanksgiving with him. Hearing stories from his time in Vietnam, moving around the world every few years, the different bases he was stationed. Everything that our veterans have endured, big and small, to serve this wonderful country we live in, is nothing short of amazing!

My grandfather was also the first person to really teach me about investing. Some points he drove home was consistency, staying the course, and compound interest. You donā€™t have to look far these days to see doom & gloom financial headlines talking inflation or an imminent recession. He taught me that the key is to ignore that noise, invest consistently every month, and let compound interest work its magic. Take a look at two of our favorite calculators here to see how powerful compound interest really is - try putting numbers into the compound interest calculator and FI calculator.

We at Networth Nurse are extremely grateful for all veterans and their families! For all the stories, lessons taught, and service to our country - we canā€™t thank you enough! If you are a veteran or have one in your family, please send us a message or book a call here, weā€™d love to send you a free workbook, budget planner or see any other ways we can help! Also, check out one of the best guides we have found that provides resources and education to military families.

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