Roxanne Nelson
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Roxanne Nelson
Why Are Nurses Missing From the Media?
If you’re reading an article about healthcare or medicine, the experts being quoted are most likely physicians. According to a recent study, nurses were cited as sources in only 2% of articles. Why?
Roxanne Nelson
March 26, 2021
min read
What Negative Online Reviews Reveal About Hospitals
There are 140 million+ Yelp reviews, with 8.4 million related to healthcare. Some are positive and others negative, but a new study found that certain words were common to both types of reviews.
Roxanne Nelson
March 26, 2021
min read
Nurses at Risk of “Second Hand” Opioid Exposure
Accidental opioid overdose due to secondary exposure has become an alarming phenomenon occurring among individuals who are often not even aware that they have come into contact with these agents.
Roxanne Nelson
March 26, 2021
min read
Psych Interventions Control Pain in Older Adults
A new study has found that patients with non-cancer chronic pain can benefit from psychological interventions.
Roxanne Nelson
March 26, 2021
min read